Vibha Padalkar joined HDFC Standard Life in 2008 after a seven-year stint as Executive Vice-President, Finance, at WNS Global Services. Discipline is the keyword when it comes to investments. Of course, periodic shifting of asset classes is also required. Here’s more on where a woman CFO invests and her investment mantras.

Name four investments that you made

I have set asset allocation strategies during different phases of my life and have tried to stick to them. While the proportion has varied over the years, the four broad categories include real estate, equity, long-term debt and liquid funds. It is important that one sticks broadly to these categories, shifting periodically between asset classes as markets or prices rise or fall.

For example, it is important that in a rising equity market, one is not swayed by the gains and is disciplined enough to shift some gains made to other asset classes.

What are the three rules you follow when investing?

First, decide what your monthly savings target is. Transfer that out first thing at the beginning of the month or through a SIP. That will ensure that savings becomes a habit rather than a ‘residue’ at the end of the month.

Second, stick to your asset allocation strategy. Lastly, do not try to time the market.

What are the two asset classes you are bullish on, currently?

I continue to remain bullish on the India equity and real estate stories where the investment horizon is long term.

Is there one financial decision you wish you could go back and change?

Yes, I have burnt my fingers by investing in sectoral funds such as infrastructure.

A tight spot you were in and the takeaway?

I don't invest dangerously or recklessly, so I can’t think of any tight spot.